Campion has proved herself a master at depicting the family dynamic in tortured situations, and this film is part of that legacy. And Lake was spot-on as the father so blinded by his love for his daughter that e could not see how truly damaged she was. Lemon and Colston were totally believable as the sisters caught in a love-hate relationship, and completely unable to relate to each other beyond a most juvenile level. As an audience, we are inexorably drawn into the downward spiral as this fragile family unit fractures and falls apart. But, it is director Campion's first feature film, with a limited budget, and shows the promise of her later films. The story seemed a bit disjointed at times, with unexplained gaps making it difficult to piece together the narrative into a coherent whole. Their father (Michael Lake) moves in as well, when his wife, the girls' mother, leaves him, further complicating the living arrangements.

#Sweetie 1989 how to#
Find the cheapest option or how to watch with a free trial. Kay (Karen Colston) is the other sister, a shy, socially awkward young woman who has managed to snare a steady boyfriend in the handsome Louis (Tom Lycos). A feast of colorful photography and captivating, idiosyncratic characters, the tough and tender Sweetie heralded the emergence of this gifted director, as well. Is Sweetie (1989) streaming on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, Peacock, or 50+ other streaming services Find out where you can buy, rent, or subscribe to a streaming service to watch it live or on-demand. Dawn (Genevieve Lemon), known to her family as Sweetie, is a blowzy, overweight woman with serious mental health issues and delusions of grandeur who shows up at her sister's with a producer/boyfriend in tow. Campion does an excellent job of showing the strain this puts on those around Sweetie, Kay in particular. A difficult and somewhat disturbing film that explores the troubled relationship between two very different sisters. Kay, Sweetie’s sister, spends the first half of the film living with the emotional scars of her sister’s mental illness and the second half literally living with her sister Dawn and having her life turned upside down in the process.